Tuesday, February 05, 2008

41st Carnival of Genealogy

The carnival of genealogy appears to have the largest number of submissions for the dinner party edition. (Miriam counted 31.) I'm looking forward to reading all of the entries that I haven't already read while watching the Super Tuesday returns. The 42nd edition will be the Academy of Genealogy & Family History Awards edition. Basically you will be submitting your best 2007 blog posts that fit the 5 categories. The call is at the bottom of the carnival. I'm just forwarning all of you that my knowledge of movie stars is almost nil so I'm going to have a really hard time casting that screen play.

1 comment:

Jasia said...

Thanks for your support and promotion of the COG Lori! Always appreciated!

I'm sure you'll do fine with the screen play. If you can't think of movie actors, go with TV actors, or deceased actors, or... genea-bloggers ;-)